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On the 26th and 27th November 2013, the 2nd International Scientific Conference Azerbaijan-Poland was held in the Ball Room of the Tyszkiewicz – Potockis Palace in Warsaw. The event had been jointly organised by the University of Warsaw, Azerbaijani National Academy of Science, Slavic University of Baku and the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Poland with the International Institute of the Civil Society acting as co-organising entity.

The Conference was a great occasion to discuss a great array of issues regarding both Poland and Azerbaijan with the representatives of the worlds of science, politics, diplomacy, media, culture and NGOs all in attendance.

The Conference was divided into several sessions based on particular topics: Polish-Azerbaijani relations, the history of Azerbaijan, contemporary Azerbaijan and the linguistics and literature of Azerbaijan.

Speakers would present different scientific centres including the University of Warsaw,  University of Gdansk, Mikolaj Kopernik University in Torun, University of Wroclaw, Jagiellonian University, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, the Azerbaijani National Academy of Science, Slavic University of Baku and the University of Istanbul.

Our honourable speakers included inter alia Prof. dr. hab. Andrzej Chodubski of the Institute of Political Science of the University of Gdansk and Mr Akif Alizada, the Chairman of the Azerbaijani Academy of Science.

Our very own Mateusz Komorowski, the Chairman of the International Institute of the Civil Society, moderated the discussion, “Contemporary Azerbaijan”. And Maciej Pisz, our VP, presented a paper entitled “The conditions for and indicators of economic development of Azerbaijan in the previous 10 years”.