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US Embassy in Poland has nominated Mateusz Komorowski, the President of the International Institute of the Civil Society to take part in a prestigious, governmental program "International Visitor Leadership Program" regarding "U.S. Current Social, Political, and Economic Issues for Young European Leaders" organized by the US Department of State. IVLP was created in 1940 and is aimed to enable mutual getting to know each other and understanding between the inhabitants of US and other counties by means of carefully planned 3-week visits in the US. They are compatible with the interests in the area of participants’ occupation and also the aims of foreign affairs policy of the US. (i.a. social, political and economic issues, climate changes, energy safety, agriculture, food safety, radio and tv journalism, culture management, the role of art in social and political comments).

IVLP is aimed to offer to their participants various experiences and topics for discussion. The US Department of State is willing to ensure that the participation in the program is a remarkable, enriching educational experience.  The crucial aspect of the program is introducing participants to the geographic variety of US and also to the cultural, ethnic, social and economic wealth of this country.


The participants of the program do not file applications for participation but they are selected, nominated, and afterwards invited to participate by diplomates working at the US Embassy and they need to be current or future  leaders in the area of administration, politics, media, education, labor relations, art, business and other


Among thousands of remarkable personalities taking part in International Visitor Leadership Program from the beginning of its existence there were over 200 of current and former heads of states, 1500 ministers and many other distinctive leaders of the public and private sector, i.a. Nicolas Sarkozy, Mikheil Saakashvili, Christian Wulff, Gerhard Schröder, Richard von Weizsäcker, Willy Brandt, Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair or Gordon Brown. The program was also attended by Polish politicians, i.a.: Bronisław Komorowski, Donald Tusk and Hanna Suchocka.


The program of the visit was extensive. During the stay in the US Mateusz met many politicians, experts, the representatives of non-government organizations, business, media or science. He also visited many public and private institutions and took part in many touristic or cultural attractions. Mateusz has visited Washington, D.C.,  (Florida); Iowa City (Iowa); Denver (Colorado) and Portland (Oregon).