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On 12 June 2023, a cooperation agreement between ASIS International Poland Chapter and the MISO Foundation was signed at the headquarters of the International Institute of Civil Society. The main objectives of the agreement are spreading knowledge among citizens, entrepreneurs and executives on the prevention of crime affecting business entities and the promotion of ethical business and related attitudes.

Under the agreement, the representatives of the organisations have pledged to organise joint initiatives to inform their members and supporters about crime threats and their long-term - economic, social and political - consequences. The cooperation will also include the exchange of knowledge and experience on current and anticipated forms of economic crime and methods to combat it.

One of the more important areas of activity will be the joint development of standards and legislative solutions.

Common objectives will be realised through the organisation of educational, informational and promotional activities, as well as the organisation of conferences, seminars, workshops, training courses and other events.

ASIS International founded in 1955, is the world's largest organisation for safety management professionals. With hundreds of chapters worldwide, ASIS is recognised as a major source of knowledge, certification, networking, research and best practices.

ASIS International, through the development of the ASIS Poland Chapter, plans to build partnerships with representatives of Polish companies, government institutions and people for whom security is one of the most important values.